


UI/UX Design




WM wanted to provide customers the ability to adjust their service online through their My WM account. This was all previously done over the phone with a customer service rep. The problem with that was that customers would often call back and have to change their service again because the first attempt didn’t quite match their needs.

I was tasked with creating the user flow and interface for this new experience. I started by interviewing customer service reps and listening to recorded customer calls in order to see what the current experience was like, why it was done that way and to learn about our technology affordances and limitations.

The result was a wizard-like experience that was extremely simple to use on any device and well-received by our customers.

User Needs

•  Reduce overage charges
•  Make permanent or temporary changes
•  Estimate amount of waste
•  Change dumpster size or pickups
•  Simple to use on any device

Business Goals

•  Adjust service online
•  Reduce customer calls
•  Accurate recommendations
•  Simplify the process
•  Increase customer loyalty


There were a couple of problems customers were facing with their service, and both had to do with charges. They were either paying too much and needed to decrease their service, or were being charged for overages and needed to increase their service. I met with an interviewed 6 customer service reps and asked them to describe the process they went through when a customer would call to make a change to their service. I also listened to dozens of recorded customer calls to get a clearer picture of the customer journey.

What I learned was that a lot of times customer service reps would have to use their own best judgement as to the size of container or frequency of pickups a customer might need. There were no real standards in place for recommendations and customers would often end up calling back to re-adjust their service. Because of this, WM also worked with Deloitte to develop the recommendation engine based on that data.

User Flow

I worked closely with the back-end team to gather requirements needed from an input standpoint in order for the MAS system to return which containers and services were available based on that criteria. By this time, Deloitte had also developed the recommendation engine logic that was now implement into the MAS system.

I created user flows based on those parameters and went through a couple of UI iterations before finalizing the design with the wizard style experience.

Adjust Service User Flow

The First Draft

My first attempt at wireframes for this project ended up being a little too complex. The initial feedback that I got from stakeholders was that they felt overwhelmed. The interface was very busy and there was a lot of unneeded information on the screen. They didn’t know how many questions there would be and when they would reach the end and see recommendations. Overall, the process felt too long.

Wireframe first draft

The Final Design

After gathering more feedback from stakeholders and conducting some user testing, I went back to the drawing board and completely rethought my approach and redesigned the experience.

I decided to go with a wizard-like experience and only showing one question at a time with easily selectable choices. I also added a progress bar to show users where they are in the flow.

Adjust Service Starting Point


The final design tested very well with users. They felt the experience was very intuitive, straight forward and extremely simple to use. WM saw a significant drop in calls relating to adjusting service and was receiving great feedback from customers about the new feature. We are now looking at expanding this functionality to residential and roll-off lines of business.